Oh my, it has been ever so long since I updated this blog! I think I have a really good excuse this time. I have been putting in a garden!
I have wanted a garden since we moved to the ranch but we have absolutely no soil in which to grow anything! I thought it was a hopeless cause until my friend
Angela, told me about
Square Foot Gardening. I already had a space cleared and once I read the info on this website I was off and running. Thank goodness Norm was willing to help with fencing (very important to keep critters and kitties out), building the boxes and toting the endless bags of soil. We did all this while waiting for the book to arrive. Nothing like reading the book last to see what you did wrong or the hard way!
I am happy to say that we didn't mess up anything important. All the squares are planted and I'm just waiting for seeds to sprout. I already had some tomato plants in containers and they were blooming so they stayed in their containers. I did purchase a few seedlings for things like eggplant, cantalope and some yellow peppers along with the tomatoes so you can see some green already! I planted traditional southern things, like okra, yellow squash, cucumber and green beans. Oh, don't forget the jalapenos! There are a lot of vine things so Norm's next project is to build verticle frames for them to climb on. Once that is done we just sit back and wait for it to all grow!
Oh yes, I planted Salad Greens! I have purchased them in plastic bags at the grocer and thought it would be wonderful to just go out to the garden and cut a bowl of salad. A snip of this, a tomato here, a radish there and maybe a green onion! Yum, Yum!! Stay tuned to see how that works out!
At the moment my garden looks a little bare but I'll be posting pictures as it matures and grows.
I did make it back into the studio today and if the Kiln Goddess is good to me there will be beads to show tomorrow.