Wednesday, May 5, 2010

In Honor of Mother's Day

This beautiful rosebud was the first one of the season here on Valley Creek. Well at least my part of Valley Creek! We apparently had the right number of chill hours and the roses are beautiful this year. This one reminded me of Mother's Day. Hope all you moms have a great day! I'll be driving out to see my mother and going to church with her on Sunday.

So, what is new here on Valley Creek. I could tell you about the wind blowing! However, I have probably bored everyone I know with that fact and everyone is tired of listening to me complain. I think we are having a typical spring. The weather can't decided whether to be hot or cold. I really like the medium temperature days best.

On the bad side of things, the snakes are out so we have to be very careful. Not fun taking walks through the beautiful pastures when you have to watch every step. One of our cats was bitten the first of April and only just now has healed completely. Then in mid April one of our dogs was bitten on the nose! He loves hunting rabbits but then so do the snakes! The dog recovered very quickly. In fact so quickly we are still amazed. He had his vaccination so I'm sure that helped and then we got steroids and benadryl down him right away and I think that helped as well.

My garden is planted and I actually have a few little tomatoes on the vine. Should have a few strawberries pretty soon. Wish I had planted more. Also have some salad bowl lettuce that came up from last years seeds. This year I put in some potted flowers around the garden so it looks pretty even if I don't make a food crop!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Joys of Spring - Or Maybe Not

Oh the joys of spring! Warmer temps, wild flowers blooming, the garden starting, trees leafing, birds singing. Then for my part of the world there is the "maybe not". All those wonderful things happen but we have to deal with gale force winds that blow your garden plants right out of the ground and the water in the bird bath goes flying as well. The bird house so carefully placed on a branch, forget about it. I found that blown into the pasture. Want to guess how long my bird feeder lasted before it went sailing. Ah the joys of spring in Central West Texas, or maybe not.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Turquoise, Tis The Color of The Season

I love turquoise. It's such a fun color and can be paired with so many other colors. I love working with the turquoise shades and was so happy to know it is the "In Color" for Spring and Summer.

Turquoise can be so many different shades of color. Some more green and some more blue. I rather like this set of beads. Different shapes, different shades but truly fun.

The wind has blown this week and brought horrible dust storms with it. My little studio just rocked and rocked but I kept right on melting glass. Today I even managed to plant tomatoes, jalapeno peppers and strawberries. Should have purchased some squash and bell pepper but maybe I still have time to plant it. I just hope the poor little plants survive the wind. I need to figure out how to set up some protection that wouldn't blow into the next county.

The Rattlesnake Roundup is in Sweetwater this weekend. Wish they would round them up and haul them off this place. I heard they had gathered over 2,000 of the critters for the festivities. You would think that would about clear them out of the country but sadly there are still plenty left.

From turquoise to rattlesnakes but it's all part of the season here on Valley Creek.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's March

March roared in like a lion with blowing winds. I really don't like wind. On the up side, we have had a couple of days this week that have been perfect. Meaning no wind and mild temps. I love days like that.

All the beads coming out of my kiln are in celebration of spring being on its way! Bright colors, odd shapes and lots of fun. I hope my customers like them. These beads remind me of the Easter season, pink dresses, polka dots and ruffles.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow Again

I'm a little late getting this posted but, we had snow again. It's our third snow of the winter and the heaviest. We had about four inches on the ground which isn't much by some standards but a good Central Texas snow none the less.

This is one of our ponds. By the time we could get out for a little walk the snow had begun to melt in spots but it was still fun and pretty. With as much moisture as we are getting this winter, we should have a beautiful and great spring.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Round and Round We Go

What is in a title? Actually, nothing in this one I fear. It's just the name I gave these earrings when I listed them in my boutique on Etsy!

Maybe there is more to it than that but if there is I really don't know. I do seem to go round and round in my little studio. Do I melt glass today, do I pound metal, maybe some wire wrap, then there are the many beads that need to be cleaned and all the work that needs to be photographed and listings that need to be done. Oh, and don't forget the wrapping and mailing and off to the mail box which is a mile from the house. So, maybe there is something to that title. Round and round I go.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

In Keeping With The Heart Theme

It is February and that means hearts to most folks. I'm going along with that tradition at least one more time. Why one more time? Well, I don't think I have anymore heart things made up. Still declaring my heart creations as "love of life" hearts.

Being in farm and ranch country, and a part of Texas that is more desert than some of the monsoon areas, everyone talks about the weather. Church today was no exception as we have been getting that much needed rain. Everyone asks the same question, "How much rain did you get this week?" Our reply has been, "We don't really know. We took the little measuring tube out of the holder so it wouldn't freeze and break and we keep forgetting to put it back." I'm certain all the locals are wondering what two "city folk" are doing in this part of the world if we can't even keep up with rain fall. That being said, we love our little corner of Valley Creek and don't miss city life much at all.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February - The Month of Love

I can't believe it is February already! The year seems to be flying by.

February is the month of Love and I have been making hearts. I read an interesting article that said the heart was originally the symbol for life. Only recently has it been associated with love. I like that better so I have decided my hearts represent the "love of life".

The last several months have been very cold here on Valley Creek but I rather like it when I remember the dreadfully hot days of summer. We are also getting some much needed rain which creates less than desirable mud! It is good for farmers crops and my beloved wildflowers.

With the cold and the wet it makes it difficult to convince myself I need to be in the studio. Even more difficult to get the studio warm enough to melt glass. To satisfy the creative desires, I have been doing more metal work. I need to be creative and hammering metal is good for any frustration that might be hanging around.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I can't believe that January is almost over and I haven't posted here even once. I really need to get back into the swing of blogging again. I'm not sure anyone really cares but it matters to me.

We have had some really cold weather so firing up the torch hasn't been a good option for most of January. To quiet my creative urge I have turned once again to twisting wire and hammering metal. There seems to be a great deal of satisfaction in hammering and twisting.

The earrings shown here seem to best represent January for me. Seems we have been going in circles. The loss of a precious loved one at the beginning of the month and now another loss at the end of the month, the visits with loving friends, the cycle of freezing cold and thawing warmth. Now the glorious rain that will bring a beautiful spring. I'm looking forward to spring.