It is February and that means hearts to most folks. I'm going along with that tradition at least one more time. Why one more time? Well, I don't think I have anymore heart things made up. Still declaring my heart creations as "love of life" hearts.
Being in farm and ranch country, and a part of Texas that is more desert than some of the monsoon areas, everyone talks about the weather. Church today was no exception as we have been getting that much needed rain. Everyone asks the same question, "How much rain did you get this week?" Our reply has been, "We don't really know. We took the little measuring tube out of the holder so it wouldn't freeze and break and we keep forgetting to put it back." I'm certain all the locals are wondering what two "city folk" are doing in this part of the world if we can't even keep up with rain fall. That being said, we love our little corner of Valley Creek and don't miss city life much at all.
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