Seems like I've been doing a lot of dots lately. Dots are sort of a fun thing in lampworking. Lots of things are built from dots. You can melt them in, leave them raised, create eyes or puppy dog noses. Dots are a useful thing in hot glass.
Then we have orange. Well orange is one of those colors that is ever so pretty but not when it's hot. It turns black! So you have no idea if it will ever turn a beautiful orange again and depending on what you are putting with it you sometimes can't tell where you have placed another color! I wasted a lot of glass before I learned to just keep going and see what the Kiln Goddess delivered the following day. I think she did a great job on the beads pictured!
Days on the torch have been a bit on the hot side but the Kiln Goddess has been kind to me. June is racing by, the garden is growing and producing and all is well on Valley Creek. Hope your summer is going well.
Love the dots and the orange! I can just see those with a crisp white shirt!