Sunday, May 24, 2009

Frame It

I rather liked this focal when it came out of the kiln but couldn't decide what I wanted to do with it. For some reason my focals don't seem to do well in my Etsy store. I was beginning to get a bit of a complex just seeing them sit there all lonesome. (laugh with me here!) Anyway, instead of listing this one for sale I decided to "frame it". I rather like it and the back side is interesting as well so I have two pendants in one.

We did go to the festival yesterday but I didn't wear the ammonite pendant. It just didn't go with the shirt I decided to wear. Or, maybe it's because brown just isn't one of my colors. Although, it would look good with a yellow shirt now wouldn't it!

About the festival, the bar-b-que was very good but the fiddle players were the best. So much talent in one small place. There were different age categories and they were all super fiddle players. There was this cute little seven year old girl with tight little jeans and bouncy pony tails. Man oh man could she play her little fiddle. We wondered how one so young could have had any time to get that good! There was a twelve year old boy that was more than wonderful. I bet he could have played any type music on his fiddle/violin. Then there was the twenty something guys that could really make their fiddles sing and a thirty something girl that not only played well but really got into her music. We didn't stay to see who won each category. We were just glad we were not having to judge the competition.

We are getting a bit of much needed rain so the garden is growing by leaps and bounds. You can almost see the plants grow. There are blooms on the cantelope and the squash. I think there may even be buds on one of the eggplant bushes. The other one looks like it needs help! I don't think I could win any prize with how my little garden looks but, it seems to want to produce and I'm having fun with it. Pretty isn't everything you know!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


  1. Yay for your little garden!! Love the focal pendant, it's beautiful! :) Glad you had fun at the festival! :)

  2. Thanks Barrie. I am honored that you love the focal pendant!

  3. That is a beautiful bead, and it makes a wonderful pendant. It sure ought to sell!!!
