Sometimes the Kiln Goddess leave some lovely surprises in the kiln. I consider this one of them.
I purchased this lovely blue glass, Blueberry something or other, and decided to see how it reacted to the flame. Then I put a few silvered ivory shards on and melted those in and then into the kiln it went. My surprise was the dragon that seems to be rising from the sea with some awesome clouds blowing around. I am sure if I had planned to do this it would have never happened. The reverse side of the bead is rather interesting as well. I'll try and remember to show that tomorrow.
I am happy to report that some clouds have been swirling around Valley Creek and have actually given us a bit of much need rain. Amazing what rain can do. My garden has gone absolutely crazy with squash leaves that are so big and a promise of squash as well. Eggplant plants have quadrupled in size and cantaloupe vines are running everywhere. Even my rose bushes are putting on new leaves. I thought they might be doomed a few weeks ago. Valley Creek is once again bubbling along and the red eared sliders (turtles) are happy creatures once again. Our farmer's cotton is coming up so the fields are looking green once again. Black clouds are hanging overhead tonight and flashes of lightening can be seen.......I hope those clouds open up over us once again.
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