Wednesday, September 2, 2009

When The Kiln Goddess Takes A Vacation

Sometimes the Torch Fairies and the Kiln Goddess disappear. I suppose they are on vacation. I never seem to know what to do with myself when I can't "create". So I end up pulling this and that out of storage bins and once in a while I settle down to a project that feels right. Often that involves those pesky little seed beads that are so pretty but so difficult for me to handle.

I did manage to finish a couple of projects and still have one on the beading board. The kitties like these bright, sparkly beads too and of course the long, waving thread! The result is, I have tiny beads everywhere, on the floor, under my couch cushions and under the couch as well. My "nest" is full of tiny beads!

I'll show you the other one tomorrow since I seem to have myself locked into one blog photo at a time!

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